May 2018 Newsletter
April showers (or snow), bring May flowers.
May is a perfect time to celebrate the mothers in your life and start thinking about the fathers.
Mother’s Day is only a few weeks away. Don’t worry. It is not too late to get a last minute Mother’s Day gift. Check out these fun ideas. Upgrade your shipping to make sure it arrives in time!

Plan ahead for Father’s Day.
No idea what to get the men in your life for Father’s Day? Check out these three categories of gifts perfect for “him.”

Shutran™ - The Shutran line is specially formulated for men to boost feelings of masculinity and confidence.
Shutran™ Beard Oil 19802
Shutran™ Bar Soap 5711
Shutran™ 3-in-1 Men's Wash 8oz 20483
Shutran™ Shave Cream 5157
Shutran™ Aftershave Lotion 5710
Shutran™ Essential Oil 15 ml 4835 - Use as a cologne that appeals to both men and women.

NingXia Red – Packed full of antioxidants to give your man the energy he needs daily.
Sulfurzyme – Used to support intestinal function and eliminate free radicals.
Omegagize3 combines the power of three core daily supplements-omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone). Used daily, these ingredients work synergistically to support normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health.
Other favorites:
Powergize - Boosts stamina and supports the male reproductive system.
AgilEase™ - A joint health supplement for people who may experience a natural, acute inflammation response in their joints after exercise or who are looking to gain greater mobility and flexibility through the reduction of inflammation.

Essential Oils are not just for women!
Every man deserves essential oils to support his health. Some of my favorites for guys are…
Thieves to live above the wellness line (Get it FREE this month when you spend 300PV on one order)!
Golden Rod & Idaho Blue Spruce to rev up his engine.
Panaway, Deep relief, & Cool Azul for muscles and joints.
Sacred Mountain™ for feelings of strength & empowerment when diffused.
RC & Eucalyptus Radiata (Free at 190PV) diffuse or apply to lungs before or after exercise.
Business oil of the month - VALOR

This month I want to help you step outside your comfort zone in all that you do.
Valor is a blend of Black spruce, Camphor wood oil, Blue tansy, Frankincense, and Geranium.
Valor is a blend of Black spruce, Camphor wood oil, Blue tansy, Frankincense, and Geranium.
Diffusing this oil helps us overcome fear and opposition so we can stand tall. Valor helps to build courage, confidence, and self-esteem and it also brings a feeling of calmness, peace, and relaxation.
Write down something you would like to accomplish this month that requires a little boost of confidence! Use your Valor EVERY DAY. At the end of the month, take a look at what you have accomplished!
Put 4-6 drops in your diffuser and diffuse daily.
Use the Valor Roll-on for easy application! Limit 2 per account per month.
Savvy Minerals Makeup catalog is here and improved! https://issuu.com/youngliving/docs/savvyminerals.by.yl_catalog.docx?e=2440491/59448880
Be sure to check out the bright new lipstick and lip gloss colors, along with the new lip scrub!!!! SOOO excited about that. Hello soft lips.
Elite Express will now start at Senior Star instead of Star. THIS IS HUGE!!! If you love your oils and you love getting free stuff this is for YOU! I am also here if you have any questions. https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/opportunity/elite-express
New Einkorn Page! Pancake and Waffle mix is BACK today! YUMMY https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/einkorn
Young Living promotional items. Available May 1st – 31st

Order the amounts below in one single order and receive these FREE items! Please note * ER bonus items will only be sent if you order through the Essential Rewards program.
300 PV
15-ml Clarity – Feeling tired? Clarity blend is great for mental alertness. Use it daily when you wake up to start the day fresh and energized.
15 –ml Thieves – enjoy the most popular blend Young Living offers with a spicy, sweet aroma of Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon bark and more to offer a welcoming home oasis. Diffuse 4-8 drops every day to live above the wellness line.
15-ml Juniper – Evokes feelings of health, love, and peace. Diffuse this during meditation or prayer to be more aware of your intentions.
15-ml Eucalyptus Radiata – A common oil used in steam rooms. Create your own SPA experience at home when diffused. Dilute a drop or two and apply to chest pre and post exercise.
*ER Bonus 5 ml Peace & Calming – Promotes feelings of peace and calming. Effective for all ages.
*ER Bonus 5-ml Lime Vitality – Spice up any Mexican dish with this oil. Add a drop to your daily NingXia Red to support your digestive, immune, and respiratory systems.
250 PV
15-ml Juniper
15-ml Eucalyptus Radiata
ER Bonus – 5 ml Peace & Calming and 5-ml Lime Vitality
190 PV
15-ml Eucalyptus Radiata
*ER Bonus – 5 ml Peace & Calming and 5-ml Lime Vitality
*ER Bonus –5-ml Lime Vitality.

Imagine your life without Young Living products and the community. Pretty depressing, right? Now imagine how happy your friends could be with the same products and community! GRO your tribe when you help 5!
Young Living is making it even more fun to share with 5 friends every month.
✔️ Enroll a new member with a Premium Starter Kit: earn 1 point
✔️ Enroll one of your personally enrolled members on Essential Rewards for the first time with an ER order of at least 50 PV: earn 1 point
✔️ When you earn 5 points you earn an exclusive Young Living gift!
(That is in addition to your commissions, growing your tribe and helping families all over the world! YIPPEE!!)
This month's gift is a *completely customizable* Young Living branded t-shirt! You get to choose the design and the color!
It is a disservice to others not to share this lifestyle. Write down your 5 people. Next to their name write down a need they have and one product that can help them. Let me know how I can help you share with them!