Pregnancy can be exciting and scary at the same time. Pregnancy also comes with some pretty common discomforts. Your pregnancy doesn't have to be a dreadful experience, full of morning sickness, body aches, or lack of sleep. I also know when you get pregnant, most options go out the window and you can feel a bit helpless.
I am going to change that for you in this post! Get ready to learn how to support your emotions and body along while you find comfort in your new growing baby.
“A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” - Unknown
Before you had a living, growing being inside you, you may not have been so concerned about what you were putting in and on your body. Now that you are pregnant, you may have a heightened sense of awareness that makes you question everything and whether it is safe for your unborn baby.
First of all, congratulations! Growing your family is a BIG DEAL! I am here to help you find ways to feel good throughout the entire pregnancy and have a beautiful delivery.
Just because something is very common doesn't mean it is normal. Things like body aches and difficulty sleeping seem "normal" because they are very common but these things actually aren't "NORMAL" and don't have to be your experience. I truly believe that when you give the body the support it needs, the body will react positively and you will feel amazing.
I will be sharing tips and tricks on how to support your body during pregnancy and post-delivery, so stick with me to the very end!
*I am not a doctor. I am not hereto diagnose, treat, or cure any of your illnesses. The content I cover is for informational purposes only.
Quality Matters!
As mothers, we all want the very best for our kids. That means we want high-quality products that are safe and effective.
Let me talk about Young Living’s quality standards for those of you who don't know about them.
Young Living has a seed to seal guarantee and promise. The company abides by very strict guidelines to fulfill this promise to us.
- YL owns its own farms, which no other major company does. It has partner farms that have to abide by the same standards.
- YL won’t plant on soil that has had been in contact with ANY chemicals within 50 years. (Organic standards are only five years)
- YL picks the absolute best seeds from strong thriving plants.
- YL hand weeds and uses its own oils on plants for pest control to avoid harmful chemicals.
- YL harvests at peak times.
- YL distills on site without chemicals.
- YL tests every batch multiple times throughout the process with state of the art equipment.
All of these factors make a huge difference in quality and effectiveness. If a batch doesn’t meet YL standards for any reason, it doesn't get bottled up to distribute. YL would rather have something go out of stock than let an inferior product slip through to us. It's rare to find a company with such high standards.
As a mother or expectant mother, how important is quality to you on a scale of 1-10?1 not important, 10 VERY important?
On a scale of 1-10, how important is it that a company be transparent with you about what is in its products? 1 not important, 10 VERY important.

Usage and Safety
- Please dilute your oils.
- Do not put them in your eyes or ears.
- Follow directions on labels.
There are three ways to use Essential Oils
The solid-colored labels have aromatic and topical directions on them.The labels that are white arefrom the vitality line and have dietary instructions on the label.
- Topically - Apply on your skin. Dilute with a carrier oil like V6 from Young Living, coconut oil, or grapeseed oil. They are quickly absorbed and effective.
- Aromatically - Use in the diffuser or by inhaling from diffuser jewelry or by putting it on your hands.
- Internally-Young Living oils in the vitality line are safe to ingest.
Oils & Kids:
Oils are more than safe to use on your kiddos but dilution is key! To Dilute, you are going to use a carrier oil.
Carrier oils: I love Young Living V6 oil for a carrier oil, but oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, or grapeseed oil will work just as well and are safe for all ages.
Conservative dilution ratios for kids:
- 1 drop essential oil in 1-2 tsp V6 or carrier oil of choice for children 2-5 years old
- 1 drop essential oil in 1 TBS V6 or carrier oil of choice for babies under 2 years old
Oils to avoid:
During Pregnancy*:Basil, Birch, Calamus, Cassia, Cinnamon bark, Hyssop, Idaho tansy, Lavindin (this is different than Lavender), Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon, and Wintergreen
For Babies*:Eucalyptus, Basil, Juniper, Peppermint, Hyssop, and Wintergreen.
For toddlers and young children 2-5: Please dilute and start slow! Be particularly careful of “hot” oils such as Clove, Oregano, and Thieves. Hot oils cause a warm tingly sensation to the skin. Applying without dilution can cause redness and irritation to the skin, which can be uncomfortable.
*Please use your own judgment when deciding which essential oils to use.

During pregnancy, whether it's your first, second, 5th or 8th, we experience a lot of different emotions: fear, anxiety, worry, love, joy, and so many others.
Breathing in essential oils is an effective and safe way to help change unwanted emotions, either turning negative emotions into positive, uplifting ones or enhancing positive emotions!
The other HUGE benefit to diffusing is that you can also throw out all those air fresheners and candles you have hanging around the house that are filled with harmful chemicals.
Besides diffusing your oils to aid with your mood, you can also consider making a perfume. This could be either a spray or a roll-on and the best part is you can take it with you and use it on the go, unlike your diffuser
Mix the following ingredients together in a glass spray bottle.
- 4 oz. glass spray bottle.
- 4 oz. 100 proof vodka* or Witch Hazel to emulsify the essential oils.
- 40-60 drops of your favorite essential oil combination.
- Shake well and spritz.
*Most vodkas are 80 proof. If you cannot find 100 proof and use 80 proof, you will need to shake your perfume before each use.
Here are some oils that may help you overcome or enhance certain emotions.
- Fear - Valor, Bergamot, Geranium, Present Time
- Occasional Stress - Lavender, Stress Away, Frankincense, Peace & Calming, Bergamot.
- Occasional Anxiety - Lavender, Lemon, Copaiba, Orange
- Occasional sadness - Joy, Orange
- Worry - Bergamot
- Love - Oola Family
TIP: During pregnancy, your sense of smell may be different than before. Take off the cap to a few oils and smell them before you put them in the diffuser or create a perfume. Diffuse one that you love smelling in order to uplift your spirits.

Know your body
Let’s explore some tips and health practices for you to use during pregnancy to help you feel amazing all the way to D-day. You can start at any time, but I say the earlier, the better.
Your body goes through so many changes while pregnant. Your growing baby is pushing on all kinds of organs. Your round ligaments stretch and thicken, and your hormones are causing your cartilage to loosen up as it prepares your body to stretch and open up for delivery.
Although aches and pains may be described as "normal," they are more accurately described as "common." You can help avoid discomfort by taking care of yourself and listening to your body so you can stay physically comfortable all the way to delivery!
Here are some things you can do during pregnancy to help with alignment.
- Rub Valor essential oil daily on hips and spine along the inside of each foot. This oil is known as a "chiropractor in a bottle."
- Make weekly chiropractor visits. (Apply Valor before visits.)
- Sleep with a wedge pillow or a pregnancy pillow between your knees and under your belly. You can even use these pillows postpartum!

When you're pregnant, you're eating for two. Go for quality, not quantity.
Did you know that if you're a healthy weight, you don't need any additional calories in the first trimester? In your second trimester, you only need 340 extra calories a day. By your third trimester, you need 450 extra calories a day.
During pregnancy, your body is pulling vitamins and minerals from you to give to your baby. That's why it is important that you replenish the vitamins and minerals in your body with healthy food and supplements. Whole food supplements (nothing synthetic) are a great way to help your body and therefore your baby gets the nutrients you both need.
Here are some nutritional supplements that Young Living has to offer:
NingXia Red (NR)
NingXia Red helps maintain healthy blood glucose levels, provides extra nutrients your body needs and helps keep energy levels up! Did you know morning sickness can often happen because of irregular blood sugar levels? Don't skip your NingXia!
Life 9 probiotic
This high-potency probiotic combines 17 billion live cultures from 9 beneficial bacteria strains to promote healthy digestion, support gut health, and help maintain normal intestinal function.
A healthy gut helps keep our immune systems strong, allows us to absorb the proper nutrients, and keeps things flowing regularly when we have that little one growing and pushing everything around.
Daily Oils*
Young Living also has its dietary line of oils called The Vitality Line. Ingesting a drop or two of both Thieves vitality and Lemon vitality with NingXia Red, with your favorite tea, or with just plain water can help support your immune system throughout pregnancy. This can be especially helpful if you struggle with your daily water intake. Adding a drop of Lemon or Peppermint Vitality into your water to give it a little flavor may be the extra incentive you need to get the quantity of water you need.
Daily supplements: Take whatever supplements your doctor, midwife, or chiropractor suggest to support your immune system and keep you energized and healthy. This is likely to include a prenatal vitamin, vitamin D, and natural folate, like the Orgen-FA® found in Young Living's Super B! Making sure you're getting enough calcium and magnesium can also be very helpful.
*Please feel empowered to make your own health choices.
**If you plan to breastfeed and are nervous about milk production, discontinue regular use of Pepperminta month or two before your due date. Some people are sensitive to mint and have reported decreased milk production when using it regularly while nursing.
Make the Switch
We’ve discussed how important what goes IN your body is. But what about what you put ON your body or what you expose your body to in your own home!
Young Living makes it easy to swap out harmful products for clean, safe, and effective products.
Start with your skin care.
Many skin care and makeup products contain harmful ingredients that can affect your reproductive system, human development, organs, and much more. Some even contain carcinogens that are linked to cancer. These harmful chemicals get absorbed into your skin as you wear them.
These harmful ingredients are NOT found in any Young Living products.
In Young Living products, you will find NO PETROCHEMICALS, NO TALC, NO PARABENS, and especially NO PHTHALATES,which are toxic to the reproductive system and can affect development.
Young Living Savvy Minerals makeup contains no gluten, no nanoparticles, no metals, no synthetic dyes, no synthetic fragrances, & no bismuth, a popular filler found in makeup that causes skin irritation.
Wherever life takes you, Savvy Minerals and Young Living skincare products are here to empower you to be the healthy woman and mother you WANT and DESERVE to be.
Next, swap out some home care products.
Use the Thieves line to swap out every cleaner you own, including laundry detergent, hand and dishwasher soap, hand purifier, toothpaste, mouthwash and more. The Thieves line is formulated with natural plant-based ingredients for the safest way to clean your house, your mouth, and your clothes!
As soon as that baby arrives, your world is about to get a lot more hectic and busy!
I know you're excited and anxious for your baby to arrive but TRUST ME, soak in some quiet time and pamper yourself a little. Go see a movie, get a pedicure, have a date night, or take a warm bath with your essential oils to relax. Do something that you really enjoy, something that is peaceful, life-giving and recharging, because as soon as that baby arrives, it's a whole new world. Beautiful, but busy.
Use your oils to maximize these moments of relaxation.
Ok, so maybe you don't have time to take a bath in lace, milk, and flowers but PLEASE add your oils! Doing this is a GAME. CHANGER. Try this simple bath salts recipe and recite a few positive calming affirmations.
Bath Salts
- 1-2 cups Epsom salt
- 10 drops Lavender or any other calming oil of choice
Add the Essential Oil to the bath salts; shake or stir; then, add the mixture to a warm bath.
"I am relaxed."
"I am letting go of all my worries."
"I release my concerns for the time being."
"My body is relaxed and at peace."
"My mind is calm."
Three weeks before D-DAY.
Doctors used to give episiotomies to almost everyone. WHAT?! PASS...
However, doctors are now moving away from that practice. THANK GOODNESS. They have found that most women tear less severely and heal just as well without making a “clean” cut with an episiotomy.
Start massaging the perineum with this oil blend for soft expandable skin at least three weeks before your due date. Start earlier if you think you will deliver early.
Mix 8 drops Geranium and 5 drops Lavender with 1 oz V6 carrier oil;massage your perineum with this blend along with a spray or two of ClaraDerm three times a day*.
*One week before delivery add 5 drops Fennel to above recipe and apply to and massage your perineum with this oil blend and ClaraDerm spray three times a day.
**Fun Fact :: Gary Young created ClaraDerm for Mary when she was pregnant with Jacob**
Non-oily recommendations to avoid vaginal tearing during delivery.
Deliver your baby while in a hands and knees (tabletop) position. This takes the pressure of baby off the rectum and makes it less likely for you to tear.
Delivery in the water. More hospitals are warming up to the idea of water births. If you have a tub in your room and are not allowed to deliver in the water, stay in that tub as long as possible. Many women report that water helps decrease pain during labor as well.
Both of these techniques can only be done if you are not receiving an epidural. If you chose to receive an epidural you will deliver your baby on your back so definitely be doing your perineum massage prior to delivery!
It's Time!
Labor is a beautiful time, but it can also be filled with so much anxiety and fear. It's also a lot of work. Hard work! After all, it is called LABOR for a reason. Remember, you were MADE to do this! And once it's over, you will meet your new baby!
As you have learned, Young Living’s oils have so many uses and they have the potential to help ease your body and mind during this process.
Think about the oils you have gotten to know so well throughout your pregnancy. Continue to use the ones that have become your favorites - the ones that made you feel the most positive, empowered, and open.
Make a few roll-ons for delivery. This makes using your oils VERY EASY! Instruct your partner or doula to use the oils with you at different times.
Oils to consider during early labor:
Use V6 and Gentle Baby & ClaraDerm for perineal massage.
Apply Gentle Baby to your ankles and hands when labor starts.
Diffuse Present Time or apply it to your wrists to focus on giving birth. (Focus roll-on.)
Diffuse Valor and apply it along the spine and inside of each foot. (Courage roll-on.)
Rub Lavenderon hips, the bottoms of your feet, or on your abdomen.
Rub Nutmeg on hips, the bottoms of your feet, or on your abdomen. (Calming to the nervous system.).
Take NingXia Red, NingXia Nitro, NingXia Zyng, Mind Wise, En-R-Gee essential oil as needed for energy and focus!
As soon as you realize you're in labor, take some NR for nutrition and energy and Mindwise to support your heart and brain.
If you are in a hospital and can't drink during delivery, have the Nitro and Zyng on hand for your partner and maybe even staff. It could be a long one. =)
Add 1drop of Peppermint in the toilet and sit above it, or smell peppermint while on the toilet. It's also great to inhale in between contractions for focus.
Use DiGize (on feet), Spearmint, orPeppermint for nausea if needed. (Tummy roll-on.)
Put 1-3 drops Clary Sage around the ankles to kick labor into gear. You can also add Dragon time, Fennel, and Gathering.
Oils to consider during transition:
As you enter active labor, your cervix begins to dilate more rapidly, and contractions are longer, stronger, and closer together. People often refer to the last part of active labor as transition. This is often when women feel like they just can’t do it anymore. Don’t be afraid! That means you'resoooo close to meeting your baby!
Try these oily tips to help you get through!
- Dilute Basil and add 1-2 drops on temples and abdomen or vita flex points on feet.
- Use Peppermint and/or RC in between contractions to help with breathing.
- Use more Valor/ Courage Roll on. Also, try speaking positive thoughts to yourself or have your partner or support person speak them to you. Say things like, “I was made to do this,” “I am a strong powerful woman,” “I am more than capable,” and “I am a good mother.”
Oils to consider any time:
Massage Panaway*, Deep Relief*, OrthoEase* on lower back for discomfort.
*Contains Wintergreen, so use with caution.
Use Marjoram, Lemongrass, orLavenderon muscles and jointsfor aches.
Other options are to rub Harmony, Peace & Calming, or Clary Sage over the uterus area to minimize discomfort during contractions.
*Please make decisions based on your personal health. Feel empowered to do your own research and decide what you are comfortable with using or doing for you and your family.
Labor Favorites
Here are some fun, effective roll-on recipes that are perfect for the big day. Note that if you plan to use any of these blends before labor - omit Clary Sage.
Combine the following oils in a 10 mL container, top off with Young Living V6 Carrier Oil, and put on your roller top! Keep this handy or in your labor bag.
NOTE: You can adjust the amount of each essential oil based on smell if you are extra sensitive to scent! Pick the oils you LOVE the smell of!
You may omit any of these if you don't enjoy the scent. I highly recommend Clary Sage and Frankincense in this roller.
- 10 drops Clary Sage
- 3 drops Peace & Calming
- 5-10 drops Frankincense
- 2 drops Stress Away
- 2 drops Lavender
- 5 drops Highest Potential
- 5 drops Present Time
- 5 drops Brain Power
- 5 drops Clary Sage
- 10 drops Clary Sage
- 10 drops Gentle Baby
- 5 drops Geranium
NOTE: You can consider adding Dragon Time but it will smell strongly of Fennel.
- 8 drops Peppermint*
- 15 drops Spearmint
- 5 drops DiGize (and more if you enjoy the smell.)
*Peppermint can cause a decrease in milk supply for some. If you have concerns about milk production, please omit Peppermint from your roller.
- 25 drops Valor
Congratulations! You did it.
Well, hopefully, you didn't literally just have your baby while reading through this post, but your day will be coming soon and so now let's look at what you need AFTER delivery.
The postpartum time is just as important as your prenatal time and there's so much that you can do to help your body and mind heal from all the hard work you just did.
In the perfect world of social media, there’s such a temptation to feel the need to pop back from birth as if nothing happened, to get that pre-baby-body back, the house clean, your baby sleep-trained, and all of your ducks in a row, right away.
I’d like to remind you that your body just did something major and amazing and it needs time to heal and you need time to recover. Be gentle with yourself and ask for help.
These oils can help too!
Oils to use Postpartum
Comfort during postpartum uterine contractions - Geranium & Lavender: dilute and apply over uterus, ankles, or bottoms of feet.
Milk Supply - Clary Sage diluted - apply above breasts and lymph area to bring in milk supply.
- To increase supply, use Fennel or Basil over breasts.
- To decrease supply, use Peppermint or Jasmine over breasts.
Soothing and cooling your hoo-ha =) Claraderm Spray.
Rectal pads - in case the pressure of your baby gave your bottom a nice little present, try this:
Combine 3 drops of each of these oils into 1 oz. witch hazel: Cypress, Clary Sage, Patchouli, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Basil, Frankincense, Helichrysum, Myrrh. Soak up with cotton pads. Place one pad on rectum as needed a few times a day for several days. If you don't have all of the above oils, use what you have.
C-section - UseLavender and Frankincense (Rose, too, if you feel like splurging) to keep your incision healthy. Mix 5 drops each in 1 oz. carrier oil. At one week postpartum, start to massage the incision with your mixture for five minutes three times a day.
Tummy roller to help with easy bowel movements. Use this daily for a few weeks postpartum to stay regular:DiGize, Spearmint, Peppermint*. See recipe in the previous post.
*Do not use Peppermint if you are breastfeeding and are concerned about milk supply.
Postpartum Belly Balm* - Add 20 drops of Clarity, Dragon Time, Geranium, Gentle Baby to a bottle of Lavender lotion; apply to belly 24 hours postpartum and thereafter daily for skin elasticity.
*Do not use until after delivery.
Tender Breasts -Apply one drop of Lavender and Citrus Fresh to any tender or hot areas on breasts after milk comes in. Couple with frequent nursing or pumping.
Baby Blues** - Diffuse or apply any of the following oils or blends: Joy, Lavender, Lemon, Peace & Calming, Valor, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Frankincense, Gentle Baby, Geranium, Basil.
**If the oils don't bring you to your normal state, please seek help. Tell a friend or family member. Postpartum sadness is real and can be serious. Ask for help. There is no need to be ashamed. It is not your fault. Hormones are amazing but big fluxes in them can cause you to not feel like yourself.
Night Sweats - Restart your Progessence Plus regimen.
Continue with good nutrition - Eat healthy foods and take your NingXia Red, Life 9, and any other nutritional supplements you have been taking.
FUN FACT: Womenburn around 20 calories to make 1 ounce of breast milk. So if your baby drinks 19-30 ounces a day, that's anywhere between 380-600 calories. Please make sure you're taking in enough calories to keep you and your baby fed and healthy!
Essential Rewards (ER)
Mamas don't let other mamas join Young Living or reorder without telling them about the Essential Rewards program. It's the one thing many members say they wish they had known about earlier, so I am going to tell you before you even get started!
Essential Rewards is a customizable monthly subscription box. This is the best way to save money while you build your oil arsenal, replace harmful products in your home, create a healthy beauty routine, and get all the must-haves for your new baby.
You choose what you want to be delivered to your house and the date you want it to ship.
Perks to ordering on ER.
1. Get between 10-25% back in ER points every time you order on ER. You use these points instead of paying for products.
2. FREE loyalty gifts month 3, 6, 9, & 12 just for being an ER member.
3. Access to discounted ER kits like the NingXia Red and the Thieves ER kit.
4. Free bonus promotional items on ER orders of 100 PV or 190 PV.
5.Ability to join YL GO or YL GO+ to get FREE shipping!
The minimum requirement is that you buy products totaling 50 PV (essentially $50) a month. This is so easy to reach when you restock your favorite supplements each month.
I recommend getting on ER right away and ordering some products every month so you have what you need.
ER Order favorites:
- Thieves ER Kit plus the Thieves Laundry detergent
- NingXiaRed ER kit
- Savvy ER KIT or Skin Care products like the ART Line
Get your own!
If you are not yet a member, then you have multiple amazing kits to choose from.
My recommendation would be to start with the essential oils Premium Starter Kit (PSK) and then add a few Thieves products and NingXia Red right away on the Essential Rewards program.
Your PSK also comes with your no-strings-attached membership. You will be able to purchase YL products at 24% off. Join Essential Rewards and you can earn some money as you help your friends get their own PSK, helping you pay for your products and new mommy necessities.
Order a premium starter kit for yourself using my personal sign up link.
I'll get you introduced to our community and help you get comfortable with your kit.
Moms always say they need a community of support. Let us be a part of yours.
Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit (PSK) $260-$160 depending on which diffuser you select.
PSK includes:
- Diffuser - Multiple options with different features and price points
- Lavender - Good for rest, relaxation, skin and more
- Raven - Apply to lungs pre/post exercise
- PanAway - Perfect for soothing muscles and joints
- Citrus Fresh - Calming when diffused or applied
- Frankincense - Helps create a youthful appearance to skin, very grounding and good for emotions.
- Stress Away - Calming when diffused or applied
- Peppermint Vitality - For digestive system support and food flavoring
- Lemon Vitality - For lymphatic system support and food flavoring
- DiGize Vitality - Supports the digestive system
- Copaiba Vitality - Supports full body wellness
- Thieves Vitality - Supports the immune system
- 1 oz Sample of All Purpose Thieves Cleaner - Formulated without harmful chemicals that can be used for EVERYTHING
- Two 2 oz samples of NingXia Red - an antioxidant nutritional supplement
Order any other products on the Essential Rewards (ER) program I mentioned so you can get ER points back and free gifts.